Solar Modules

Safeguard Duty Reimbursement Order To Restore Returns of 5.4 GW Solar Project

Solar power producers will make more money now as the central power regulator CERN's recent order entitles the developer of…

5 years ago

Renewable Energy Costs Set To Fall Below New Fossil Fuel Energy: IRENA

Boosting the business case for Renewables in the world, costs of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies will in…

6 years ago

India Levies Anti-Dumping Duty on EVA Sheet for Solar Module

The Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance has imposed an anti-dumping duty on the import of ‘Ethylene Vinyl…

6 years ago

Vikram Solar Ships 52.6 MW of Solar Modules to South Carolina Project in USA

Vikram Solar, one of India’s leading solar module manufacturers and EPC solutions provider announced this week that it has successfully shipped…

6 years ago