
Tech Majors Stumble On Emissions Due To Supply Chain Misses

A report by Greenpeace East Asia and claim that major consumer electronics brands rely heavily on coal and other…

2 years ago

Green Data Centers: A Path Toward Sustainable Practices

A Green data center may be understood as a repository for the storage, management and dissemination of data in which…

3 years ago

As Tech Firms Go Green Atlassian Goes For A Hybrid Timber HQ

Some of the most ambitious pledges to go green have been led by cash rich tech majors, Be it Google,…

4 years ago

China Tech Giants Trail Western Peers In Renewables Push

In a first ever ranking of China's tech giants, on their carbon footprint, Greenpeace East Asia and the North China…

5 years ago

Zoho Corp Joins Tech Giants In Aiming For A Greener Footprint

In a welcome announcement, Zoho Corp, one of the biggest tech success stories from India in theĀ  Software-as-a-Services (SaaS) domain,…

5 years ago