Meat Consumption

Fighting Climate Change. The Free Pass for Meat EatingFighting Climate Change. The Free Pass for Meat Eating

Fighting Climate Change. The Free Pass for Meat Eating

Climate change is upon us. Statistics, and poll upon poll, demonstrate that clearly. Also, it is with good reason that…

6 years ago
Like it or not, the meat debate will demand answers, soonLike it or not, the meat debate will demand answers, soon

Like it or not, the meat debate will demand answers, soon

In India, for long, the media perception of the country was of a vegetarian heaven, with most people vegetarians shunning…

6 years ago
Meat Consumption to increase says OECD-FAO Agricultural OutlookMeat Consumption to increase says OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook

Meat Consumption to increase says OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook

Even as coverage on meat talks about its contribution to warming, or the substitutes for meat being developed, it seems…

6 years ago
High numbers, but low per capita. 5 ways India does a lot for the environmentHigh numbers, but low per capita. 5 ways India does a lot for the environment

High numbers, but low per capita. 5 ways India does a lot for the environment

The IPCC report on climate change had the grimmest possible warning for the world at large, with countries like India…

6 years ago