Scientific Water Management Will Enhance Water Security: ICAR

One of India’s oldest agricultural institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research highlighted the modern irrigation technologies that can help in…

6 years ago

Movement Launched for Irrigation Cover in Drought-Prone Kudligi in Karnataka

Frustrated with administrative apathy to solving their water problems, farmers in a taluk in Karnataka have started their own movement…

6 years ago

SC Allows Bengaluru To Use Sewage Water for Irrigation, Recharge Groundwater

The Supreme Court on Friday lifted a stay it imposed earlier on the Karnataka government’s scheme to pump secondary treated…

6 years ago

Cleaning Delhi’s Underbelly: The Gotakhors of Yamuna

India is the second most populous country in the world, with more than 1.2 billion citizens. Roughly half of India’s…

6 years ago

Great News! NGT Rejects Government’s Notification On Groundwater Extraction

The National Green Tribunal has asked the central government Not To Give Effect to its December notification on Groundwater Extraction…

6 years ago