Energy Storage

Busy week at SECI,  with Tenders in Solar, Wind, Floating, Hybrid & StorageBusy week at SECI,  with Tenders in Solar, Wind, Floating, Hybrid & Storage

Busy week at SECI, with Tenders in Solar, Wind, Floating, Hybrid & Storage

India currently has a deficit of about 72 GW to reach its goal of installing 100GW of solar capacity and…

6 years ago
Spain ups Renewable Target to 74% for 2030Spain ups Renewable Target to 74% for 2030

Spain ups Renewable Target to 74% for 2030

Pointing to the far more favourable conditions and constituency for renewable energy in Spain, as compared ton say, the US,…

6 years ago
Orxa Energies To Launch Its All-Electric trike ‘Mantis’ in 2019Orxa Energies To Launch Its All-Electric trike ‘Mantis’ in 2019

Orxa Energies To Launch Its All-Electric trike ‘Mantis’ in 2019

Orxa Energies is making India’s first and an all-new Three-wheeled electric Bike or Trike called Mantis. The company is bringing…

6 years ago
New York Launches ‘Green New Deal’ for 100% Carbon-Neutral Energy by 2040New York Launches ‘Green New Deal’ for 100% Carbon-Neutral Energy by 2040

New York Launches ‘Green New Deal’ for 100% Carbon-Neutral Energy by 2040

The Big Apple has announced the launch of a "Green New Deal" initiative. New York governor Andrew Cuomo made the…

6 years ago
MIT’s “Sun in a Box” targets the storage conundrum for renewablesMIT’s “Sun in a Box” targets the storage conundrum for renewables

MIT’s “Sun in a Box” targets the storage conundrum for renewables

A team of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up with a conceptual design for a…

6 years ago