Energy Storage

China’s CATL Joins Next Energy for Battery Storage Business in Japan

China's CATL, the world's largest maker of electric car batteries, will start selling products for homes and businesses in Japan…

6 years ago

Advances in Storage Disrupting the U.S. Electricity Sector: IEEFA

The report 'Advances in Electricity Storage Suggest Rapid Disruption of U.S. Electricity Sector', by IEEFA details upstart storage and storage-expansion…

6 years ago

MP Plans To Become Manufacturing Hub For Storage Solutions

The Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company (MPPMCL) intends to execute Energy Storage Projects in the state to make optimum use…

6 years ago

MNRE Invites Proposals For Development of Gravity Storage Projects

Gravity based energy storage has been proposed as a potential solution with unique advantages of short response time and flexibility.…

6 years ago

Global Energy Storage Market To Grow 13 Folds by 2024: Woodmac

The global storage market is expected to grow from 12 gigawatt-hours (GWh) to 158 GWh by 2024, according to a …

6 years ago