Top 5: Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in India in terms of capacity

The Central Pollution Control Board report holds that India is generating nearly 72,368 million litres per day (MLD) that not…

2 years ago

India Generates 9.46 Mn Tonnes of Plastic Waste Annually – Study

India generates 9.46 million tonnes of plastic waste every year and most of it is single-use plastic according to a…

6 years ago

Uttar Pradesh Informs NGT: Toxic E-Waste Residue Removed From Ramganga Banks

The Uttar Pradesh government while rectifying its actions informed the National Green Tribunal, black powdery residue from the burnt electronic…

6 years ago

This Weekend Delhi Breathed the Cleanest Air in Years

The clean air was not a figment of our imagination, but actual and factual truth. The notoriously polluted air in…

6 years ago

NGT Gives 1-Year Deadline To Clean Bhalswa, Okhla & Ghazipur Landfills

Alarmed by the water hue that has turned yellowish-orange which is threatening the people living near the landfills at Bhalswa,…

6 years ago