
Assam Promotes Pipe Composting To Manage Biodegradable WastesAssam Promotes Pipe Composting To Manage Biodegradable Wastes

Assam Promotes Pipe Composting To Manage Biodegradable Wastes

Endorsing a technology that is simple and effective for the disposal of biodegradable waste at the household level, Assam is…

1 year ago
Nagpur Wants Bio-CNG Plants Instead of Waste-to-Energy ProjectNagpur Wants Bio-CNG Plants Instead of Waste-to-Energy Project

Nagpur Wants Bio-CNG Plants Instead of Waste-to-Energy Project

The Nagpur civic body plans to terminate the agreement it had executed with Nagpur Solid Waste Processing and Management Private…

6 years ago
SDMC’s Composting Drive Promoting Waste Management in CapitalSDMC’s Composting Drive Promoting Waste Management in Capital

SDMC’s Composting Drive Promoting Waste Management in Capital

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation’s composting drive has started to produce results or rather fertile compost in reality. Last year…

6 years ago
India’s 2nd Cleanest City Bhopal Launches Compost Drive & Smart BinsIndia’s 2nd Cleanest City Bhopal Launches Compost Drive & Smart Bins

India’s 2nd Cleanest City Bhopal Launches Compost Drive & Smart Bins

In order to eliminate the practice of burning of leaves, which have essential micro nutrients, the Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC)…

6 years ago