Norway launches First Commercial Carbon Transport And Storage Unit

Norway is ready to start its subsea carbon storage Unit, marking the launch of the world's first commercial operation for…

3 months ago

IIT Bombay Offers To Convert CO2 Into CO In Steel Sector With CCUS

The National Centre of Excellence in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (NCoE-CCU) at IIT Bombay introduced a new energy-efficient carbon dioxide…

1 year ago

Researchers Develop More Efficient, Cost Effective Method for Carbon Capture & Conversion

As carbon capture and conversion gathers steam around the world, researchers at the University of Sydney and University of Toronto…

2 years ago

Converting Methane Into CO2 May Help Fight Climate Change

Methane or CH4 capture 84 times more heat than CO2 on a molecular level, this has led to the unusual…

6 years ago

UN Panel Modifies Guidelines To Accurately Measure GHGs Emissions

U.N. panel on climate change announced today in Kyoto, Japan that it has updated guidelines to more accurately measure countries’…

6 years ago