Azure Power

India’s Green Firms Missing Out On Benefits of Stock Market ListingsIndia’s Green Firms Missing Out On Benefits of Stock Market Listings

India’s Green Firms Missing Out On Benefits of Stock Market Listings

Back in March 1999, when Infosys Limited, the software firm that was just beginning to get noticed  listed on the…

5 years ago
Azure Power Appoints New CEO & PresidentAzure Power Appoints New CEO & President

Azure Power Appoints New CEO & President

India's independent renewable power producer, Azure Power, has appointed Ranjit Gupta as the chief executive officer and board member while…

6 years ago
Bhadla Solar Park hit after Massive Storm in RajasthanBhadla Solar Park hit after Massive Storm in Rajasthan

Bhadla Solar Park hit after Massive Storm in Rajasthan

Risks to Solar Installations from natural causes are an ever present one, and something most firms try to hedge against…

6 years ago
Azure Commissions 95-MW Gujarat Solar Plant 5 Months Before ScheduleAzure Commissions 95-MW Gujarat Solar Plant 5 Months Before Schedule

Azure Commissions 95-MW Gujarat Solar Plant 5 Months Before Schedule

The festive season has brought Azure power more reasons to celebrate . After announcing an early closing of a financing…

6 years ago
Azure Power closes funding for Rajasthan & Karnataka solar projects ahead of scheduleAzure Power closes funding for Rajasthan & Karnataka solar projects ahead of schedule

Azure Power closes funding for Rajasthan & Karnataka solar projects ahead of schedule

India's solar energy developer and producer Azure Power has announced an early closing of a financing deal worth Rs 6…

6 years ago