UP Govt to give lands for biogas plants based on cow dung
The announcement came from Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during a meeting of the Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation at his official residence.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has unveiled the state government’s plans to set up compressed biogas plants using cow dung, where the Uttar Pradesh government would be offering land for these green energy initiatives.
The announcement came during a meeting of the Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation at his official residence.
Yogi Adityanath underscored the importance of equipping milk cooperative society employees with comprehensive training and necessary tools. He advocated for proactive engagement with villages and farmers to foster healthy competition among milk cooperatives and unions, aiming to strengthen operations and enhance productivity.
Several milk unions, including the famous Banas Dairy, are taking up CBG projects to utilize the dung and generate clean energy.
Highlighting the need for scientific training and the breeding of superior dairy animals, the Chief Minister stressed that these measures would not only boost milk production but also raise farmers’ incomes.
The Chief Minister praised the Balinee Milk Producer in Bundelkhand as a successful model of women’s empowerment in the dairy sector, urging greater participation of women in cooperatives and unions to promote self-reliance.
Adityanath also emphasized the need for accountability and goal-setting across all levels of milk unions. He called for improved milk quality testing and enhanced milk collection capacities. He held, “The Dairy Federation should develop a robust model to maximize benefits for farmers, rewarding those who excel in the sector.”
The Chief Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to establishing biogas plants, ensuring land allocation for these projects to support sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
As per Invest-UP, Uttar Pradesh has the most advanced bioenergy policy in India and leads in the number of upcoming CBG projects. The state leads in the production of biogas in the country with a daily generation capacity of 210 tonnes. Recently, a state level committee sanctioned the development of over half a century bioenergy projects including 21 compressed biogas projects.
A very good article that I have read today.
I am a kind of climatophile type person who wants to contribute something (ideas or eco friendly actions) for the betterment of our MOTHER NATURE .
I am also planning to setup BioGas Plants by attracting some investments from some of the rich people in terms of money.
अगर मैं इस क्षेत्र में अपना पहला कदम रखने में सफल हो पाता हूं तो आगे मैं ऐसे कई अन्य CBG plants को शुरू करना चाहूंगा। इन सभी के द्वारा होने वाले आय से Investors को ROI दूंगा। आय का एक बड़ा हिस्सा *प्रकृति जागरूकता कार्यक्रम* को संचालित करने एवं *Eco-Warriors* (Eco-friendly work force of people) को तैयार करने हेतु उपयोग करूंगा।
यदि ऐसा करने में मै सफल हो पाता हूं तो अपने Eco Friendly Working System को Diversify करके मैं अन्य क्षेत्रों में बहुत कुछ करना चाहूंगा और अंततः सतत सामाजिक आर्थिक , पर्यावरण अनुकूल विकास करने में एक छोटा सा योगदान मैं भी दे सकूंगा।
इन सभी के माध्यम से Climate Change के विरुद्ध कदम उठाने में और हमारे प्यारे और महान भारत देश के के Circular & Sustainable Economic development की दिशा में एक सक्रिय सहयोग देकर एवं भारत के Carbon Emisson कटौती लक्ष्य (Net Zero by 2070) को साकार कर सकने में भी एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा कर सकूंगा।