Green Energy

Tata Power-DDL among the first utilities in the country to meet 100% RPO Compliance


Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL), the power utility that supplies electricity to a populace of over 7 million in North and North West part of Delhi, has become the first utility in Delhi to meet 100% Renewable Purchase Compliance (RPO). The company sourced more than 2000 Million Units (MUs) of green power from renewable sources like Solar, Wind, Hydro and Waste to Energy including large hydro sources and fulfilled Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) for FY’2020-21 through physical power without purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates. This is approximately 25% of total units sold to consumers by Tata Power-DDL in its operational area. The achievement is creditable simply because unlike a few other state discoms that also achieve their RPO’s, TPDDL is probably the only one which has not depended on Hydro in a big way to achieve its objectives.

The company has always been a front-runner in promoting the usage of green power and embracing sustainability. In line with its commitment towards the environment, it has made tremendous efforts in meeting Renewable Purchase Obligation. After discharging this obligation, Tata Power-DDL  has become a fully RPO compliant power distribution company. All past RPO obligations also stand discharged by the company during the respective financial years.

“Tata Power-DDL is aligned with the government’s vision of driving 175GW renewable energy capacity by 2022. We have made adequate tie-ups for meeting the future RPO targets as well. As a progressive step towards providing opportunity to non-open access consumers to use renewable energy, we have already approached the regulator for devising mechanism by way of ‘Green Tariff’ so that renewable sources are utilised for sourcing power. These initiatives not only provide financial benefits to the consumers by reducing power purchase cost but also contribute significantly in conserving our environment,” said Mr. Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL.

Earlier in February 2019, the firm had become the first discom to go for a grid scale large battery, when along with the AES Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation it inaugurated India’s first grid-scale battery-based energy storage system in Rohini, Delhi. The 10 Megawatt MW grid-connected system, owned by AES and Mitsubishi Corporation was expected to open up wider adoption of grid-scale energy storage technology across India. Fluence, a market-leading supplier of energy storage technology jointly owned by Siemens and AES, supplied its state of the art Advancion Technology for the project.

Then, in March this year, it collaborated with Nexcharge  for India’s first community based grid storage system.

TATA-Power DDSL gains from serving a consumer base that is both compact, relatively affluent, and predictable. Covering what is called the NDMC areas, the discom supplies power mostly to government owned institutions and neighborhoods.  That gives it a huge advantage in terms of predictable demand, payments, and opportunity to invest in showcase technology options.


Prasanna Singh

Prasanna Singh is the founder at IamRenew

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