Huge Positive Impact of Solar Home Systems on Livelihoods in India: GOGLA

A new report by GOGLA, the association for the off-grid solar energy industry, has established the huge positive impact of Solar Home Systems on livelihoods in India

A new report issued by GOGLA, the global association for the off-grid solar energy industry, has established the huge positive impact of Solar Home Systems (SHS) on livelihoods in India. In times where the Government is looking to create more and more jobs to boost demand and with it the economy, the report titled ‘Powering Opportunities in South Asia’ with research funded by UK AID and conducted by Altai Consulting, concludes that four Full-Time Employment (FTE) jobs are created in India for every 100 SHS sold.

The research surveyed 949 households in South Asia, primarily including rural customers from the Indian states of Assam and Uttar Pradesh.

gogla report launch

Indian households with a solar home system also report significant improvements to their quality of life as people feel safer and their children have more time to study. Systems also provide big boosts to income for 1 in 10 owners, who are using their SHS to light and power businesses and to unlock more work hours. An overwhelming 94 percent of the households surveyed reported an improvement to their quality of life after buying a solar home system, with a majority reporting

positive impacts in the areas of safety (90 percent) and education (66 percent).

Key Findings From the Report:

1. 90 percent report they feel safer since purchasing the SHS,

2. 12 percent of households undertake more economic activities thanks to their SHS,

3. 94 percent of households report their quality of life has improved since purchasing the SHS,

4. 66 percent of customers say their children have more time to do their homework,

5. 11 percent of households generate additional income once they purchase an SHS,

6. Households create an additional USD 66 per month on average among households generating income,

7. SHS helps households to work more hours or start new activities. Overall, this additional work translates into 4 FTE jobs per 100 SHS sold,

8. For 61 percent of households, the SHS is a back-up to the grid.

Viraj Gada, GOGLA’s India Regional Representative, said, “The Powering opportunities in South Asia report shows that, even with the impressive strides made by the Indian Government to increase grid access, small-scale solar continues to have an important role for Indian households. Although a majority of customers are using their solar home systems as a back up to the central grid, the additional energy security and power the systems provide are boosting the quality of life and unlocking economic opportunities for those in rural and remote areas.”


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