Ethanol blending goes-up to 16.23%, reveals Centre

The Public Sector OMCs have started dispensing E20 petrol (20% ethanol in petrol) at more than 17,400 retail outlets across the country.

The Central Government has held that ethanol blending in India has improved to 16.23% as on December 29, 2024 for the ongoing ESY (2024-2025) under Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme.

As per the data released by the Petroleum Ministry, supplies of ethanol has increased from just 38 crore litres in Ethanol Supply Year (ESY) 2013-14 to 707.40 crore litres in ESY 2023-24. This translates into an achievement of an average blending of 14.60% ethanol in Petrol.

The Public Sector OMCs have started dispensing E20 petrol (20% ethanol in petrol) at more than 17,400 retail outlets across the country.

In the last ten years, EBP programme has translated into forex savings of over Rs.1,08,600 crore, net carbon reduction of 557 Lakh Metric Tonnes (LMT) and direct financial benefits to farmers to a tune of over Rs. 92,400 crores.

With regards to biodiesel procurement, OMCs have purchased 36.68 crore litres of biodiesel for blending programme during April to November 2024 as against 29.25 crore litres during April to November 2023.

The Green Hydrogen Story

The government has revealed that Oil & Gas PSUs have planned for 900 KTPA Green Hydrogen Projects (EPC & BOO mode) by 2030. 42 KTPA tenders have been floated by PSU refineries, which are likely to be awarded by March 2025. Approximately 128 KTPA tenders will be issued by PSU refineries based on the outcome of the ongoing tenders.

The Government has also revealed plans to set an indicative target of 1%, 2% and 5% blending of SAF in Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) initially for international flights with effect from 2027, 2028 and 2030, respectively.

The PM JI-VAN Yojana has been amended, incorporating key changes, such as Inclusion of advance biofuels in place of “2G ethanol.”, Eligibility for bolt-on and brownfield projects and Extension of the scheme’s timeline up to FY 2028-29.

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