CSIR-IIP to transfer technology to Organic Recycling Systems (ORSL) to step-up CBG production
Aimed at advancing the production of CBG, the agreement was signed for technology transfer by the two organisations in the presence of the Union Minister of Science and Technology (S&T) Dr. Jitendra Singh and DG CSIR and Secretary DSIR, Dr N Kalaiselvi.

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR-IIP) and Mumbai based Organic Recycling Systems Limited (ORSL) have entered into an Agreement to license and implement the cutting-edge Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) Technology for upgrading raw biogas to compressed biogas (CBG).
Aimed at advancing the production of CBG, the agreement was signed in the presence of the Union Minister of Science and Technology (S&T) Dr. Jitendra Singh and DG CSIR and Secretary DSIR, Dr N Kalaiselvi.
Under this agreement, CSIR-IIP will transfer its indigenously developed VSA Technology to ORSL. This technology is designed to process 350 m³/h of raw biogas, converting it into pipeline-quality bio-methane. The resulting biomethane not only meets the stringent BIS 16087: 2016 specifications ensuring compliance with regulatory standards but can also be further tailored to achieve higher specifications based on the specific needs and requirements of different projects and clients.
ORSL held that this flexibility ensures that the CSIR technology can cater to a wide range of applications, providing a reliable and customizable solution for biogas upgradation. The CBG produced through this technology can be used as a fuel for industrial applications and as an alternative to compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicular applications.
ORSL mentions that the collaboration between ORSL and CSIR-IIP is at the forefront of research and development in the biogas sector, providing strong foundation and access to cutting-edge innovation in optimizing biogas processing.
The agreement outlines the modalities for the grant of a non-exclusive license to ORSL, allowing the company to utilize the VSA Technology for the said biogas processing, encouraging the utilization and application of indigenized technologies, fostering self-reliance and boosting the domestic capabilities within the biogas sector.
Dr. Harender Singh Bisht, Director of CSIR-IIP, said, “The transfer of CSIR-IIP developed vacuum swing adsorption technology for biogas upgradation to ORSL will pave the way for the market penetration of a robust CBG technology that will help to realize Government of India’s grand vision of producing 15 million tons per annum of CBG by 2025 which is equivalent to about 35% of the current consumption of CNG in the country.”
Yashas Bhand, CEO of ORSL, stated, “Through this collaboration, we aim to set new benchmarks in biogas processing efficiency and quality, contributing to our commitment of bringing innovative and dependable solutions for the biogas sector among the other technologies available in our portfolio for purification of biogas for a sustainable renewable energy production.”
As part of the agreement, CSIR-IIP will provide comprehensive technical support to ORSL, including technology transfer documents, training, and assistance in setting up the biogas plants.