Countdown starts to the Massive summit in New Delhi on June 6

The Massive Fund,  a deep-science fund that seeks to target large problems being faced by humanity is organising the Massive Summit in New Delhi on June 6. While the fund is focused on the areas of Food (agriculture), Pollution (water/air/ plastic/e-waste), Energy (renewables/storage), Mobility (electric vehicles), Sustainable Housing, and Sanitation, the fund hopes to make the summit a platform for the sharing of learnings, and help investors meet great ideas.

With India facing the challenge of achieving growth without massive environmental costs, we believe the effort is well timed.

Today, 14 of the world’s 20 most polluted cities are in India, demonstrating the unsustainability of existing models of governance, technology and more to meet this challenge. On top of it, climate change is slated to have a much bigger impact on South Asia than other regions.

For the GoMassive fund, these massive problems can only be tackled by treating them as an opportunity, with commensurate rewards, both financial, as well as in sheer impact globally. This would be the best way to combine the benefits of open markets and globalization to find solutions that matter.   Shailesh Vickram Singh, Founder at GoMassive says ” the challenge with large complex problems is that people think regulation and awareness will solve them”  A point well made, when you consider the experience with pollution in India.

GoMassive believes that just pollution/combating climate change itself can be a $15 trillion investment opportunity.

The Massive Earth Summit is built around this premise. The theme of the summit is Pollution-as-a-Resource. The pollution reduction industry is constituted by companies that will master the tenets of reduce, recycle, reuse and more to create products and services, in the process reducing overall pollution. The Go Massive summit is the first grand coalition in India where the private sector joins forces with policy-makers to fund solutions for climate change.

The event will take place June 6, 2018 at The Taj Palace Hotel,  Diplomatic enclave, New Delhi India. The summit will take place in association with UNEP on the heels of the World Environment Day, which will be celebrated in New Delhi India this year on June 5.

In addition to a focused agenda with some of the most respected, influential and involved speakers, the summit will also be attended 400+ industrialists, venture capitalists, angel investors, bankers, senior government officials, foreign delegates and representatives from academia, think tank and media.

With registrations and entry by invitation, you can enlist for the same at .


Note: is the community media partner for the event.


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