Prasanna Singh

Mixed reaction to Delhi’s First Smog Tower

After much talk about action against air pollution, Delhi finally has a smog tower of its own. The tower, installed…

5 years ago

Book Review- Wilding by Isabella Tree

Isabella Tree, the author of Wilding-The return of nature to a British farm , is a British author and travel…

5 years ago

The $300 Billion Fantasy To Save The Climate Needs to Be Debunked, Now

A report that appeared in Bloomberg on October 23, 2019, quoted UN climate scientists as saying that it would take…

5 years ago

NTPC Provides Rs 4200 Crore Pollution Balm

State owned power generator NTPC has announced a big ramp up of its purchases of agri-residue based pellets , to…

5 years ago

The Case for An Australian Style Storage facility in Western Rajasthan

Back in 2017, when Tesla set out to make the 129 MW lithium ion based battery installation in Australia at…

5 years ago