Prasanna Singh

Rooftop Solar Can Help Laggard States Bridge Renewable Gap In India

India's renewable energy laggards, if you leave out large Hydro as an option, are a very clear bunch of states.…

4 years ago

2021 Ashden Awards To Tackle Global Climate Challenges

Entries for the 2021 Ashden Awards have opened – with international categories promoting innovation in energy access, natural climate solutions and sustainable cooling for low-income neighbourhoods. The Ashden awards…

4 years ago

CES 2021. Solar Drives Sustainability, As Samsung Launches Solar Remote, Sono’s EV

Between Samsung's solar powered remote (made from recycled plastic) to Sono Motors Sion EV that will use solar to power…

4 years ago

NGT Moves To Save The Great Indian Bustard From Solar, Wind Power Lines

The National Green tribunal has tried to prevent killings by electrocution and entanglement of migratory birds, particularly the Great Indian…

4 years ago

The Apple Car Project. What Can We Expect?

With a global news agency (Reuters in this case) almost confirming Apple's plans for an electric car, one must realise…

4 years ago