I am Renew

Tech Majors Stumble On Emissions Due To Supply Chain Misses

A report by Greenpeace East Asia and Stand.earth claim that major consumer electronics brands rely heavily on coal and other…

2 years ago

Ahead of COP27, Report Shows NDC Commitments Not Enough To Reverse Climate Change

A new report from UN Climate Change shows countries are achieving serious reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions downward but…

2 years ago

SGP BioEnergy To Generate Green Hydrogen in World’s Largest Biofuel Facility

The US-based SGP BioEnergy has announced the addition of green hydrogen production to the largest planned advanced bio refinery in…

2 years ago

HyAxiom, Shell & Others to Decarbonize Shipping Through Fuel Cell Technology

Global fuel cell and hydrogen solutions provider HyAxiom has signed an agreement with energy giant Shell and other parties to…

2 years ago

ICIS Comes Up With Europe’s First Market-Linked Renewable Hydrogen Assessments

ICIS, a global source of Independent Commodity Intelligence Services, has announced that it has launched the first hydrogen price assessments…

2 years ago